Sabtu, 19 April 2008

Kirim SMS Teror, Penjara 9 Bulan

Wales - Kegunaan layanan pesan singkat (short message service/SMS) memang bermacam-macam. Namun meneror orang lain via SMS tentu tak dapat dibenarkan.Seorang pria asal Wales bahkan sampai ditahan sembilan bulan karena mengirim SMS bernada teror pada mantan pasangannya. Padahal, sang pria sebenarnya sudah dilarang oleh pengadilan untuk mendekati mantannya itu dengan cara apapun.Pria berusia 32 tahun bernama Justin Craig Morgans ini awalnya memang berkencan dengan seorang wanita bernama Vicky Betsia. Namun mereka kemudian berpisah.Entah mengapa, Justin kemudian sering mengirim SMS bernada teror pada mantannya itu usai perpisahan. Icnetwork yang dikutip detikINET, Sabtu (19/4/2008) melansir, Justin pun diperintah oleh pengadilan untuk tidak mengganggu Vicky lagi.Akan tetapi, Justin tetap nekat memanfaatkan SMS untuk meneror Vicky. Akibatnya justru fatal, ia kembali dibekuk aparat dan kali ini dihukum 9 bulan penjara. Apes!

Jumat, 11 April 2008

TOS Google Adsense di update, apa saja yang berubah?

Beberapa hari yang lalu TOS Google Adsense diubah. Beberapa aturan dasar program (Privacy Policy) Google adsense mengalami beberapa perubahan, apa saja yang berubah? berikut ini adalah perubahan-perubahan dasar dalam aturan main program Google Adsense:

  • Kita boleh memasang iklan dan tombol referal di halaman eror (404) dan halaman registrasi (pendaftaran)
  • Adsense for Search boleh dipasang di halaman kosong/ tanpa konten sekalipun
    Dalam satu halaman boleh memasang iklan adsense dari beberapa account adsense berbeda
  • AdSense Referral seperti Firefox, Google Pack, dan lain-lain boleh dipasang dihalaman kosong/tanpa konten sekalipun
  • Jika kamu diikutkan dalam program beta apapun dari google adsense, kita nggak boleh ngomongin masalah itu di blog atau ditempat umum lainnya
  • Dibolehkan untuk memasang program lain yang sejenis dan kontekstual seperti google adsense dalam satu halaman, program sejenis seperti bidvertiser dll sudah boleh dipasang bareng dengan adsense
  • Jika account kena banned, semua akumulasi dana yang tersimpan, akan disumbangakn ke yayasan sosial oleh google adsense
  • Publisher adsense diharapkan untuk mencantumkan/membuat halaman privacy policy yang menyatakan bahwa data pengunjung web/blog disimpan dalam cokie iklan google adsense.

Penting: untuk semua publisher adsense, harus menerima aturan baru ini sebelum tanggal 25 mei 2008, apabila belum menyetujui aturan baru ini, maka account adsense kamu akan di non aktifkan.

Tulisan ini adalah pendapat dan pemahaman pribadi terhadapat aturan baru google adsense di bandingkan dengan aturan/tos sebelumnya. Apabila ada hal-hal yang kurang jelas dan kurang meyakinkan, silahkan hubungi support google adsense sebelum mengambil tindakan selanjutnya.

Diterjemahkan dengan sangat kasar dari Untuk perbandingan antara TOS yang lama dan baru, silahkan liat di file .pdf dari
Untuk cara bikin Privacy Policy, bisa liat di blognya Cosa

Astaga, Rekening Bank Curian Dijual Online Rp 90 Ribu

Inggris - Pembobolan rekening bank sering dilakukan penjahat dunia maya untuk meraup keuntungan. Menurut vendor anti virus ternama Symantec, detail rekening bank yang dibobol penjahat cyber bahkan dijual dengan harga sangat murah di internet, hanya 5 Poundsterling saja (sekitar Rp 90 ribu).
Lebih lanjut Symantec memaparkan, perdagangan informasi curian memang kian menggejala di dunia maya dengan detail bank menduduki posisi top. Demikian pula informasi curian mengenai kartu kredit juga diminati kaum kriminal.
Selain itu, aktivitas phishing, yakni usaha mencuri informasi pribadi dengan menyamarkan situs asli juga menjadi masalah serius. Menurut data Symantec, sektor finansial merupakan korban terbanyak dari aksi phishing ini.
Dikutip detikINET dari This is Money, Jumat (11/4/2008), dalam enam bulan terakhir tahun 2007 telah terdapat 87.936 host phishing. Masih menurut Symantec, jumlah ini merupakan peningkatan sebanyak 167 persen dari jumlah enam bulan sebelumnya

Amien Rais: Bedah Server KPU!

Jakarta - Mantan Capres 2004, Amien Rais, menuding ada yang tak beres di sistem komputer KPU. Pendiri PAN itu menuding ada manipulasi penghitungan suara!

"Software komputer di KPU pusat harus dibedah bersama-sama supaya tidak ada manipulasi lagi!" cetus Amien usai membuka Temu Wicara Hukum MK-PAN di Ballroom Hotel the Sultan, Senayan, Jakarta, Jumat (11/4/2008)."Ada manipulasi. Saya yakin!" imbuh Guru Besar Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Ilmu Politik UGM itu.Manipulasi itu disimpulkan Amien dari kejanggalan yang muncul saat suara mulai dihitung dalam Pilpres 2004 lalu. Janggal karena perhitungan komputer KPU selama sebulan sama dengan perhitungan quick count sebuah lembaga.
"Terus terang saya mencurigai bahwa ada ketidakberesan di dalam perangkat lunak komputerisasi penghitungan suara di KPU pusat. Karena kami mencurigai beberapa jam setelah selesai Pemilu, ada quick count. Kemudian seluruh hasil KPU yang ditayangkan running text itu menunjukkan secara konsisten tidak ada perubahan selama sebulan dari quick count," pungkas Amien.

Akhirnya, Google Respons Surat Pemerintah

Jakarta - Google akhirnya merespons surat yang dilayangkan pemerintah Indonesia perihal film Fitna. Lewat sebuah surat, Google membeberkan pandangannya.
"Google sudah merespons surat yang kami kirimkan. Dan Google berinisiatif menawarkan kerja sama dengan pemerintah," ujar Nuh saat jumpa pers di Gedung Depkominfo, Jln. Medan Merdeka Barat , Jumat (11/4/2008).Surat yang ditandatangani Kent Walker, Vice President and General Counsel Google Inc, tersebut diterima Menkominfo Mohammad Nuh pada Rabu malam lalu (9/4/2008).
Lalu apa kata Google? Pemilik situs YouTube tersebut menyatakan tidak akan mencabut Fitna dari situsnya. Google malah menawarkan pemerintah untuk bekerja sama.Ada tiga poin yang Google dalam suratnya. Yang pertama, Google mengatakan akan menghargai hukum yang berlaku di Indonesia.
Poin kedua, Google menghargai kebebasan berekspresi sehingga meskipun Google tidak akan membuang Fitna dari YouTube, Google akan tetap mengupayakan untuk memblokir akses-akses dari pengunjung Indonesia yang mau mengakses konten Fitna.Lalu poin yang ketiga, Google menawarkan kerja sama dengan pemerintah untuk memblokir konten-konten yang dianggap bertentangan dengan hukum, dimana Google kemungkinan tidak akan menerima konten tersebut untuk naik di situsnya.Terkait konten mana saja yang dianggap melanggar hukum, semuanya diserahkan Google pada pemerintah Indonesia.

daftar url yang mesti d blok

Kamis, 10 April 2008

Basis Data

Basis dapat diartikan sebgai gudang atau tempat berkumpul sedangkan data merupakan fakta nyata yang mewakili suatu objek seperti barang, pembeli, peristiwa dan sebagainya yang direkam dalam bentuk angka, huruf simbol, teks, gambar, bunyi atau kombinasinya. Basis data merupakan kumpula data, file, tabel, arsip yang saling berhubungan dan disimpan dalam media penyimpaan elektronik yang terorganisir dan dapat dimamfaatkan dengan cepat dan mudah,[1]
Prinsip utama basis data adalah pengaturan data atarsip dan tujuan utamanya adalah kemudahan dan kecepatan dan kecepatan dalam pengambilan kembali data atau arsip.

Model basis data relasional

Model basis data adalah suatu cara/mekanisme yang digunakan untuk mengelola data secara fisik dalam memori sekunder yang akan berdampak pada bagaimana mengelompokkan dan membentuk keseluruhan data yang terkait dalam sistem yang sedang diamti. Sistem adalah sebuah tatanan (keterpaduan) yang terdiri atas sejumlah komponen fungsional (dengan satuan fungsi atau tugas khusus) yang saling berhubungan dan secara bersama-sama bertujuan untuk memenui suatu proses atau pekerjaan.[2]
Basis data relasional adalah data yang akan dipilah-pilah kedalam tabel. Setiap tabel selalu terdiri atas lajur mendatar yang disebut baris data(row/record) dan lajur vertikal yang disebut kolom (colun/field). Item-item data atau satuan data terkecil merupakan pertemuan antara baris dan kolom.

Model entitas relasional
Entitas(entity) individu yang mewakili suatu yang nyata dan dapat dibedakan dari sesuatu yang lain. Setiap entitas pasti memiliki atribut yang mendeskripsikan karakteristik dari entitas tersebut.
Himpunan entitas adalah sekelompok entitas yang sejenis dan berada dalam lingkup yang sama membentuk sebuah himpunan.

Relasi antar tabel
Relasi adalah hubungan antar entitas dari himpunan entitas dari himpunan entitas yang berbeda. Himpunan relasi adalah kumpulan semua reaasi diantara entitas-entitas. Untuk merelasikan tabel diperlukan primary key sebagai tanda untuk mengidentifikasi suatu record dalam tabel dan foreign key sebagai kode tamu, artinya jika sebuah record dalam satu tabel menjadi primary key maka record tersebut akan menjadi foreign key pada tabel lainnya.
Jenis-jenis relasi antar tabel:
1. Satu ke satu(one to one)
Berarti setiap entitas pada himpunan entitas A berhubungan dengan paling banyak dengan satu himpunan entitas B, begitu juga sebaliknya
2. Satu ke banyak (one to many)
Setiap entitas pada himpunan entitas A dapat berhubungan dengan banyak entitas pada himpunan entitas B. tetapi tidak sebaliknya.
Misalnya : setiap dosen dapat mengajar beberapa mata kuliah atau lebih dari satu mata kuliah.
3. Banyak ke banyak ( Many to many)
Setiap entitas himpunan A dapat berhubungan dengan banyak entitas pada himpunan entitas B, begitu juga sebaliknya.
Misalnya : setiap mahasiswa dapat mengambil lebih dari satu mata kuliah begitu juga sebaliknya.
Bahasa basis data dapat dibagi menjadi dua bentk:
1. Data Definition Language (DDL)
Yaitu bahasa yang mempunyai kemampuan untuk mendefinisikan data/objek yang berhubungan dengan pembuatan dan penghapusan objek seperti tabel, indeks, database, view ataupun yang lainnya.
Misalnya: create, alter dan drop.
2. Data manipulation Language (DML)
Yaitu bahasa yang berguna untuk melakukan manipulasi dan pengambilan data pada suatu basis data.
Manipulasi data dapat berupa:
a. Penyisipan atau penambahan data baru pada suatu basis data.
b. Penghapusan data dari suatu basis data.
c. Pengubahan dat pada suatu basis data.
Misal: select, insert, delete dan update.

ERD (Enterty Relationshp Diagram)
ERD adalah model konseptual yang mendeskripsikan hubungan antara penyimpanan (dalam DFD). ERD digunakan untuk memodelkan struktur data dan hubungan antar. Dengan ERD, model dapat diuji dengan mengabaikan proses yang dilakukan.
Sesuai dengan namanya ada dua komponen utama pembentuk model entity relationship, yaitu Entitas(entity) dan relasi(relation). Kedua kkomponen ini dideskripsikan lebih lanjut melalui sejumlah atribut/properti.
ERD pertama kali dideskripsikan oleh Peter Chen yang dibuat sebagai bagian perangkat lunak Case. Notasi yang digunakan dalam ERD dapat dilihat pada tabel dibawah ini:
a. Kardinalitas Relasi
Dalam ERD hubungan (relasi) dapat berdiri dari sejumlah entitas yang disebut dengan derajat relasi. Derajat relasi maksimum disebut dengan kardinalitas sedangkan derajat minimum disebut dengan modalitas. Jadi kardinalitas relasi menunjukkan jumlah maksimum entitas yang dapat berelasi dengan entitas pada himpunan entitas lain.
b. Tahapan Pembuatan ERD
Diagram ER dibuat secara bertahap, ada dua kelompok tahapan yang biasa ditempuh didalam pembuatan diagram ER, yaitu:
1. Tahap pembuatan diagram ER awal (preliminary design)
2. Tahap optimasi diagram ER (final design)
Tujuan dari tahap pertama adalah untuk mendapatkan sebuah rancangan basis data minimal yang dapat mengakomodasi kebutuhan penyimpanan data terhadap sistem yang sedang ditinjau. Tahap awal ini umumnya mengabaikan anomali-anomali (proses pada basis data yang memberikan efek samping yang tidak diharapkan) yang memang ada sebagai suatu fakta. Anomali-anomali tersebut biasanya baru dipertimbangkan pada tahap kedua.
Tahap kedua mempertimbangkan anomali-anomali dan juga memperhatikan aspek-aspek efisiensi, performasi dan fleksibilitas. Tiga hal tersebut seringkali dapat saling bertolak belakang, karena itu, tahap kedua ini ditempuh dengan melakukan koreksi terhadap tahap pertama. Nbentuk koreksi yang terjadi berupa pendekomposisian himpunan entitas, penggabungan himpunan entitas, pengubahan derajat relasi, penambahan relasi, penambahan relasi baru atau perubahan (penambahan dan pengurangan) atribut-atribut untuk masing-masing entitas dan relasi.
Langkah-langkah teknis yang dapat dilakukan untuk mendapatkan ERD awal adalah:
1. Mengidentifikasi dan menetapkan seluruh himpunan entitas yang akan terlibat.
2. Menentukan atribut-atribut key dari masing-masing himpunan entitas.
3. Mengidentifikasi dan ;menetapkan seluruh himpunan relasi diantra himpunan entitas yang ada beserta foreign keynya
4. Menentukan derajat/kardinalitas relasi untuk setiap himpunan relasi.
5. Melengkapi himpunan entitas dan himpunan relasi dena atribut deskriptif ( atribut yang bukan kunci).

2.5.6 Data Flow Diagram
Data flow digaram sering digunakan untuk menggambarkan suatu sistem yang telah ada atau sistem baru yang akan dikembangkan secara logika tanpa mempertimbangkan lingkungan fisik dimana data tersebut mengalir (misalnya lewat telepon,surat, dan sebagainya) atau lingkungan fisik dimana data tersebut akan disimpan (misalnya file kartu,microfiche, hard disk, tape, diskette dan lain sebagainya. DFD merupakan alat yang cukup populer sekarang ini, karena dapat menggambarkan arus data didalam sistem denga terstruktur dan jelas. DFD juga merupakan dokumentasi dari sistem yang baik.
Suatu sitem pasti memilki batas sitem (boundary) yang memisahkan suatu sistem dengan lingkungan luarnya, sytem akan menerima input dan menghasilkan output kepada lingkungan luarnya. Kesatuan luar (external entity) merupakan kesatuan (entity) di lingkungan luar sistem yang dapat berupa orang. Organisasi atau sistem lainnya akan memberikan input atau menerima output dari sistem.
Arus data (Data Flow) di dalam DFD diberi simbol suatu panah. Arus data ini mengalir diantara proses, simpanan data dan kesatuan luar. Arus data ini menunjukkan arus dari data yang dapat berupa masukan untuk sistem atau hasil proses sistem.
Suatu proses adalah kegiatan atau kerja yang dilakukan oleh orang, mesin atau komputer dari hasil suatu arus data yang masuk ke dalam proses untuk dihasilkan arus data yang akan keluar dari proses.

Rabu, 02 April 2008

10 Things We Hate About Apple

It's high time we unloaded on the high-and-mighty Mac maker.Narasu Rebbapragada and Alan Stafford, PC WorldThe company formerly known as Apple Computer and now called simply Apple, Inc. is unique in many ways--including in its ability to drive even folks who admire it positively batty. It makes great products (usually), yet its secretiveness about them borders on paranoia, and its adoring fans can be incredibly irritating. Of course, its fans have to put up with some irritations, too: Simply being a member of the club still means you must endure unending jabs from the other side of the socio-political-techno aisle. But do they have to wear their suffering as a badge of honor?Today, we--that's us, Narasu and Alan, veteran Mac users both--are going to get some stuff off our chests. We've enumerated ten things we hate about Apple (or its followers, or simply about the experience of using its products). But in the interest of fair play (not to be confused with FairPlay, Apple's DRM technology) we're also publishing another list--Ten Things We Love About Apple.Use the Comment link at the end of this article to add your own gripes about Apple--or to defend it.And so, with protective helmets in place, off we go:1: Free Speech, Anyone?Even if you're no Apple fan, this particular issue might not rise to the top of your own personal gripe list--but hey, we're journalists. So sue us.Er, that's probably not the right turn of phrase to use, considering that in December 2004, Apple filed a lawsuit against the AppleInsider, O'Grady's PowerPage, and Think Secret Web sites for posting information about upcoming technologies that Apple had shared with outsiders under nondisclosure agreements. In the case of O'Grady, the news was of a FireWire interface for GarageBand. In the words of O'Grady himself: "yawn."Apple pressured the sites to reveal their sources, and even worse, pressured the sites' ISPs. In May 2006, a California court said no way, ruling that online journalists enjoy the same First Amendment rights as "legitimate" offline journalists. Seems silly in today's world, doesn't it? Recently, the court ordered Apple to pay the sites' legal fees--about $700,000.2. More Secretive Than Homeland SecurityThose feds are secretive, but they're no match for Apple reps' infuriating stock answer: "We don't comment on future product plans." Being an Apple adherent means never knowing for sure if the shiny new MacBook or iPod you just bought is about to be rendered obsolete by a Steve Jobs keynote.Of course, Apple is merely the most famous secretive Silicon Valley company, not the only hush-mouthed one. And tight lips make for explosive buzz when the company does decide to drop a bombshell. But contrast Apple's secrecy with Microsoft's lack thereof--Bill Gates, Steve Ballmer, and company love to talk about their company's upcoming products, and they still get their fair share of buzz. Even though many of those plans have a tendency to not actually come true.3. Ain't Too Proud to BlameWhen Apple shipped iPods containing a worm last year, instead of issuing a humble mea culpa, Apple took a swipe at Microsoft, saying, "As you might imagine, we are upset at Windows for not being more hardy against such viruses, and even more upset with ourselves for not catching it." As you can imagine, that didn't fly with security experts. How about an apology to the folks who were unlucky enough to buy the infected iPods, period?4. iHate iAnythingApple first floated the idea of product names with a leading lowercase letter in 1994 with eWorld, an ill-conceived online service that went belly-up after a year and a half. But when it introduced the original iMac in 1998, it hit on a phenomenal success--and prompted hundreds of third-party manufacturers to follow with sickeningly cute Bondi Blue products with names that also began with a lowercase "i." Now dozens of Apple and third-party product names begins with "i." Their manufacturers are all jumping on the bandwagon, hoping that a single letter will sway us to buy their stuff. Meanwhile, you can't even start sentences with the products' names.Is it any wonder that we're inclined to like Apple TV in part because it turned out not to be iTV? Or that we're kind of sorry that Apple was able to strike a deal with Cisco to share the name iPhone?

Reclaim Your PC From The Internet Spies

Most Internet users recognize the need of protecting their computers against viruses, as the vast majority of us sooner or later become painfully aware of these nasty little programs when they shut down our PC, spam our mailbox or delete our files.
Most Internet users recognize the need of protecting their computers against viruses, as the vast majority of us sooner or later become painfully aware of these nasty little programs when they shut down our PC, spam our mailbox or delete our files. Viruses are, however, not the only malicious software programs out there. The newest addition to the evil software family is the so called Spywares and a good anti-virus program or firewall is not enough to safeguard against these clever programs. Spywares are known by many names such as adware, trojans, malware, browser hijackers etc. The thing they all have in common is that they will transmit your personal information to companies and individuals who have an interest in knowing about your surfing habits, online purchases, credit worthiness, interests, web searches, chats, birth date and even your credit card number. The list goes on and on, since Spywares are constructed by promotional companies who need to know as much as possible about the online consumers to target them effectively. By ewes dropping on you online, these companies hope to be more successful when sending out promotional materials. Spyware usually enter your PC by piggybacking on other software downloads. Every time you use downloaded or otherwise shared files, including Freeware, Shareware or p2p sharing programs, you stand the risk of unknowingly infecting your computer with Spyware. Even confirmed virus free music files, films and computer programs can have Spyware stowaways. Once inside your computer, they will hide, monitor all your actions and promptly start telling your secrets to anyone willing to listen. Contrary to most viruses the Spywares actually make an effort not to be observed. Since they won’t cause obvious harm such as deleting important files or shutting down your computer, they can thrive in your PC for years without you noticing, sending out massive amounts of information about all your online habits. At a first glance, you might find this annoying but essentially harmless. Why not let the companies send me promotional material about things I am actually interested in? Spyware is however far from harmless, since the infiltration by Spyware not only let the companies know about your latest online search, but also much more private matters such as credit card details, online purchases of medicine and your private e-mail correspondence with family, friends and business partners. There are even examples of how this massive gathering of personal information has led to an overall loss of privacy and stolen identities. In the computerized world of today it is not hard to imagine the amount of damage and personal suffering the fraudulent use of a persons’ identity can cause. It is obvious to anyone that we must start combating the Spyware programs, but the best way of doing this is not to panic and pull the plug on your PC, never go online again and keep five feet away from all Freeware. There is a much better solution: Support Cave
About Author

Microsoft Delivers Hotmail Upgrade

Microsoft Corp. has closed the public testing period for Windows Live Hotmail and has begun a months-long process of migrating users to this major upgrade of its Hotmail Web mail service, the company will announce Monday. (To read a hands-on review of the new Microsoft Hotmail, check out our Today@PCWorld Blog: Microsoft Launches New Hotmail.)Windows Live Hotmail, dubbed as the biggest Hotmail upgrade since the Web mail service's debut in 1996, has been tested by about 20 million users since Microsoft first allowed people outside the company to try it out in mid-2005, said Brooke Richardson, Microsoft group product manager for the popular e-mail site."It is safer, faster and has more features than Hotmail. It's definitely an advance for our current customers," she said. Windows Live Hotmail has a brand new code foundation which will let Microsoft add improvements quickly, something that had become a challenge with Hotmail's decade-old code base, she said. "It's a much more stable foundation for us to innovate," she said.A major challenge for Microsoft will be to convince long-time Hotmail users that the upgraded version is worth switching to, said Van Baker, a Gartner Inc. analyst. "Consumers get accustomed to things they use on a daily basis, like their e-mail service," he said. "When you make changes, sometimes it's a challenging transition for consumers."Microsoft will not autocratically move users to the new version. For now, Microsoft will give Hotmail users the option to continue using the old version if they don't want to switch to the upgraded version. However, at some point, everyone will be unilaterally migrated over to Windows Live Hotmail, she said.New users will be automatically signed up for Windows Live Hotmail but, like any user of the new service, they will get to choose from two user interfaces: a "classic" layout that closely resembles the old Hotmail; or the new interface, which was designed to look like Microsoft's Outlook e-mail and calendaring desktop application, she said.Later this month, Microsoft will release a free software for linking Windows Live Hotmail with Outlook, a capability the company previously charged for. With Microsoft Office Outlook Connector for MSN, users of the Web mail service will be able to access their account from Outlook, along with e-mail, contacts and folder synchronization for free. In the future, Microsoft will release a desktop client for Windows Live Hotmail called Windows Live Mail. Windows Live Mail will be the successor to Outlook Express and Windows Mail on Windows Vista.But all these different names, brands and components leave Microsoft with a fragmented story in the Web mail market that could lead to consumer confusion, Gartner's Baker said. "Another big challenge is to manage this message," he said.In terms of security improvements, each e-mail message carries a "safety bar" which indicates whether the message came from a known, unknown or potentially fraudulent sender. Spam protection has also been enhanced. Windows Live Hotmail also has a mobile version so that its estimated 280 million users can access the service from cell phones and handheld devices with a Web browser.

How Do I Know If My PC Is Infected With Spyware or Adware

Many people that are new to the Internet world are nervous about the potential of viruses, Spyware or Adware that can harm their computer, affect performance or make their very private information public to others.Spyware programs can do a number of damaging things to your personal computer. Spyware infects your pc and hides in the background and can do many nasty things to the performance of your system. It can also do harmful things to you such as send out your personal information, your every keystroke and photo that resides on your hard drive, watch your surfing habits and shopping habits and annoy you with annoying pop-ups filled with advertisements and even pornography.If you are experiencing any unusual changes in your computer's performance or have any unusual new pop-ups, changes to your toolbars or new icons on your desktop, you should run a system scan to find out if you have Spyware. Products exist on the market to help you combat this problem. Be sure to install software that you know is credible. Downloading freeware can often result in further Spyware existing on your computer. Spyware, Adware and Malware companies frequently fool users into sending pop-ups telling them that there's a problem with their computer and this in fact is further spyware. These errors can open your system up to future further problems by fooling people into thinking they're downloading fixes when really further spyware is being downloaded.Watch your system's performance and at the sign of any unusual activity, realize that you are probably infected. Do something as soon as possible to protect your privacy. These programs don't discriminate and can launch themselves when you or your family members sit in front of the computer. Pornographic pop-ups can turn up whether it's an adult or a child using the computer. Protect your pc.Antivirus alone isn't enough to combat this problem. Spyware sneaks into your system via executable files that you don't need to do anything to launch. They can sneak in as attachments that you download or by many other means. They're harmful and annoying but you can protect your computer and your privacy with the right software. This software needs to have an auto update for spyware definitions as new spyware definitions are being added daily. So a spyware removal program is a great compliment to your existing anti-virus software.Total Innovations, Inc. specializes in developing award winning software programs designed to solve computer users needs. The spyware removal software, & are a few of the most recent. See full details at: http://www.spyblaster.comArticle Source:

XML - FEED - KNOWLEDGE substantial modification was done by requoting this article ]15 Ways ToRead An RSS FeedBy Steve Shaw (c) 2004 No doubt you have seen those small orange 'XML' or 'RSS' buttons beginning to spread across some of your favourite web sites.Perhaps you have clicked on one out of curiosity, only to be faced with a barrage of angle brackets and undecipherable code, seemingly designed to scare the heck out of anyone less than familiar with the intricacies of this new fangled technology creeping across the web.But once you clïck on that button - what do you do then?This article will show you exactly what to do. RSS?It's actually Really Simple, Stupid.The first thing to do of course is clïck that button. It may be an orange button with 'XML' or 'RSS' written across it; or you could see the word 'Atom'; or, less commonly, it could be blue with maybe the initials 'RDF'; or it could be a simple link with something like 'Grab My Feed'. Gets confusing, doesn't it? But what the acronyms like XML and RSS actually stand for is less than important - what to do after clicking the button is the important bit.After clicking the button, you will see all that code - if you have ever viewed the source code to a web page, it looks a little similar.RSS is just another language of the web, but you can actually completely ignore the code itself, just like you can ignore the source code behind web pages that you visit - you are only interested in the end product that the code is designed to produce for you, the end user.In the case of RSS, that end product is up-to-date news on the topics you are interested in.For example, if you want to keep up to date with the latest information on financial markets, or growing marigolds, or your Aunt Mildred's blog as she travels across the Antarctic, and you see a feed on that particular topic, you can 'subscribe' to it and receive messages via the feed, each time the publisher of the feed updates it.So how do you 'subscribe' to an RSS feed?The important bit is what is in the browser address (or location) bar after clicking the feed button, i.e. the bit at the top of your browser window that usually starts with 'http://...' and tells you the web address of the page you are visiting.After clicking the RSS (or XML, etc.) button, you need to copy that address - it's that address that you need to 'plug' into what is generally known as a 'news reader'.News readers allow you to keep updated with the feeds that you are subscribed to. There are several to choose from - some involve downloading some software, some involve visiting a web site, some are frëe, and some require a small investment.Once you have chosen a particular news reader, you simply take that address that you have copied, and, following the instructions provided with the news reader to subscribe to, or add a new feed, simply paste it in - the reader will take care of the rest, and keep you updated with your new feed. Once you have done it once, you will see just how simple it really is.

Cookie-Royalties [ referrer ]

You made a sale through a promoting website and now you want to pay the commissions to your Promoter.How to do this ?  [ Vendor's website ]Moreover you can retrieve the website that referred to you although you have no convention with it.By clicking the link above for example you set a cookie that will stay for 1 year on your machine and will answer to the Vendor's most important question when you place eventually an order :
How you got in touch with us ?... the vendor will know which page or search engine has given results useful for him.

How Frontgate MX Works

A Standard Email System The last port-of-call for any email bound for your computer is your email server. This is a computer that stores your email as it arrives from the Internet, and waits for you to retrieve it. If you are a home user, the email server is probably maintained by your Internet Service Provider (ISP). Typically you use an email "client" program to send, retrieve, manage and create your email. This email client normally communicates directly with your email server. Where Frontgate MX Fits In When Frontgate MX is configured and running on your computer, it sits silently between your email client and server and acts as a "go-between", relaying communication between the two. When you check your email, Frontgate MX scans ahead and passes any waiting email through its filter. The filter will mark any incoming email as OK, suspicious or BAD. Depending on the filter result, the email is then either discarded or downloaded to your email client as per usual. Frontgate MX can also present the filter results to you for confirmation before downloading or discarding the incoming mail. This is known as "prompting" and is one means for you to ensure that the filter is making the right decisions.

New Layout in Development

In the next few months, our online store will be getting a facelift. We'll also be updating the online product database to include all of our products. (That's about ten to fifteen times the number of products currently listed.) If there are any features you'd like to see at, drop an email to

What is a jack? How do I install one?

Put as simply as is possible, jacks are the ports where you plug things in. Want to connect your computer to your Cat 5e network? You need a jack. Want to plug in the television and watch cable? You need a jack. Want to plug in your speakers to your new Dolby Digital 7.1 Surround Sound system? You need a jack.Jacks look and connect differently depending on what they are for. Here is a picture of three keystone style jacks and a penny:From left to right we have a Cat 5e jack, a Coax BNC jack, and a Cat 3 toolless jack.In this picture, the port of each jack is facing the camera. The port is where you plug in your equipment and is the part of the jack that remains visible after the jack has been installed. The back side of the jack faces inside the wall. To better illustrate this, here is a picture of two jacks that have been installed in the offices:You can see how once the jack is snapped into the plate and the plate is attached to the wall, you can only see the port. You'll have to excuse the old school wall plate. (The much more attractive ones that we currently carry can be found in the wall plates section of In case you're curious, that is a phone cord coming out of the yellow Cat 5e jack. In our offices, we use Cat 5e for our telephone system and Cat 6 for our computer network.The back side of the jack is where the hardwiring in the walls is terminated. Watch for future blog posts explaining how to terminate many different types of jacks.

What is a jack? How do I install one?

Put as simply as is possible, jacks are the ports where you plug things in. Want to connect your computer to your Cat 5e network? You need a jack. Want to plug in the television and watch cable? You need a jack. Want to plug in your speakers to your new Dolby Digital 7.1 Surround Sound system? You need a jack.Jacks look and connect differently depending on what they are for. Here is a picture of three keystone style jacks and a penny:From left to right we have a Cat 5e jack, a Coax BNC jack, and a Cat 3 toolless jack.In this picture, the port of each jack is facing the camera. The port is where you plug in your equipment and is the part of the jack that remains visible after the jack has been installed. The back side of the jack faces inside the wall. To better illustrate this, here is a picture of two jacks that have been installed in the offices:You can see how once the jack is snapped into the plate and the plate is attached to the wall, you can only see the port. You'll have to excuse the old school wall plate. (The much more attractive ones that we currently carry can be found in the wall plates section of In case you're curious, that is a phone cord coming out of the yellow Cat 5e jack. In our offices, we use Cat 5e for our telephone system and Cat 6 for our computer network.The back side of the jack is where the hardwiring in the walls is terminated. Watch for future blog posts explaining how to terminate many different types of jacks.

Wall Plates That Take a Beating

Back on March 31st, a reader emailed to ask me what I thought of stainless steel wall plates. He'd heard that they were the norm for hospital settings but wanted to know if that was actually true.It is. Stainless steel is considered to be easier to clean, more durable, and more sanitary than regular plastic. An alternative to stainless steel is nylon which offers the same features. The main difference is that stainless steel protects against corrosion better than nylon, so if your plates are going to be in an environment where corrosive chemicals are used, best to go with the steel.The benefits of stainless steel and nylon wall plates extend beyond hospitals. Because they are are tougher than your average plastic, they are also generally used in schools, warehouses, and other places where the plates may be kicked and knocked into on a regular basis.

What is the difference between Cat 5e and Cat 6?

This is one of the most common questions we're asked. There are two major differences:
Signal to noise ratio
Bandwidth used to test the cableThe first difference is the most important. Cat 6 Cat 6 is twelve times less "noisy", than Cat 5e. When your computer sends data across your network some data packets are lost or corrupted along the way. These packets have to be resent by the system. The better the signal to noise ratio is on your network, the less often this happens.As computer networks become faster, the signal to noise ratio becomes more important. If the network is racking up packets that must be resent faster than it can resend them, the network may eventually fail or slow to a crawl with the backlog. Using cable and components that have better signal to noise ratios, such as those rated to Cat 6, can help to prevent this potential problem.As for the testing bandwidth, the official Cat 5e standard calls for testing across a bandwidth of 100 MHz. The Cat 6 standard calls for testing across a bandwidth of 250 MHz. The reality is that most computers and networking equipment only transmit across a frequency range of 100 MHz. (In the future, of course, actual utilization of greater bandwidth may become more common.)When it comes down to it, however, this particular stat isn't all that important. Many cable companies tout the high bandwidth of their cable. Some even test up to as high as 700 MHz. It sounds great for marketing, but the truth is that the MHz rating is not the same as speed. All cable rated Cat 5e or Cat 6 is capable of Gigabit Ethernet. The MHz rating is just the frequency range used for testing the cable.

Intel interview questions

The following questions are used for screening the candidates during the first interview. The questions apply mostly to fresh college grads pursuing an engineering career at Intel.
1. Have you studied buses? What types? 2. Have you studied pipelining? List the 5 stages of a 5 stage pipeline. Assuming 1 clock per stage, what is the latency of an instruction in a 5 stage machine? What is the throughput of this machine ?3. How many bit combinations are there in a byte? 4. For a single computer processor computer system, what is the purpose of a processor cache and describe its operation? 5. Explain the operation considering a two processor computer system with a cache for each processor. 6. What are the main issues associated with multiprocessor caches and how might you solve them? 7. Explain the difference between write through and write back cache. 8. Are you familiar with the term MESI? 9. Are you familiar with the term snooping? 10. Describe a finite state machine that will detect three consecutive coin tosses (of one coin) that results in heads. 11. In what cases do you need to double clock a signal before presenting it to a synchronous state machine? 12. You have a driver that drives a long signal & connects to an input device. At the input device there is either overshoot, undershoot or signal threshold violations, what can be done to correct this problem?13. What are the total number of lines written by you in C/C++? What is the most complicated/valuable program written in C/C++?14. What compiler was used? 15. What is the difference between = and == in C? 16. Are you familiar with VHDL and/or Verilog? 17. What types of CMOS memories have you designed? What were their size? Speed? 18. What work have you done on full chip Clock and Power distribution? What process technology and budgets were used? 19. What types of I/O have you designed? What were their size? Speed? Configuration? Voltage requirements? 20. Process technology? What package was used and how did you model the package/system? What parasitic effects were considered?21. What types of high speed CMOS circuits have you designed? 22. What transistor level design tools are you proficient with? What types of designs were they used on? 23. What products have you designed which have entered high volume production? 24. What was your role in the silicon evaluation/product ramp? What tools did you use? 25. If not into production, how far did you follow the design and why did not you see it into production?

Google Top Interview Puzzles

There is an array A[N] of N numbers. You have to compose an array Output[N] such that Output[i] will be equal to multiplication of all the elements of A[N] except A[i]. For example Output[0] will be multiplication of A[1] to A[N-1] and Output[1] will be multiplication of A[0] and from A[2] to A[N-1].Solve it without division operator and in O(n).
There is a linked list of numbers of length N. N is very large and you don’t know N. You have to write a function that will return k random numbers from the list. Numbers should be completely random.Hint:1. Use random function rand() (returns a number between 0 and 1) and irand()(return either 0 or 1)2. It should be done in O(n).
Find or determine non existence of a number in a sorted list of N numbers where the numbers range over M, M >> N and N large enough to span multiple disks. Algorithm to beat O(log n) bonus points for constant time algorithm.
You are given a game of Tic Tac Toe. You have to write a function in which you pass the whole game and name of a player. The function will return whether the player has won the game or not. First you to decide which data structure you will use for the game.You need to tell the algorithm first and then need to write the code.Note: Some position may be blank in the game। So your data structure shouldconsider this condition also.
You are given an array [a1 To an] and we have to construct another array [b1 To bn] where bi = a1*a2*...*an/ai. you are allowed to use only constant space and the time complexity is O(n). No divisions are allowed.
How do you put a Binary Search Tree in an array in a efficient manner.Hint :: If the node is stored at the ith position and its children are at2i and 2i+1(I mean level order wise)Its not the most efficient way.
How do you find out the fifth maximum element in an Binary Search Tree in efficient manner.Note :: You should not use use any extra space. i.e sorting Binary Search Treeand storing the results in an array and listing out the fifth element.
Given a Data Structure having first n integers and next n chars. A = i1 i2 i3 ... iN c1 c2 c3 ... cN.Write an in-place algorithm to rearrange the elements of the array ass A = i1 c1 i2 c2 ... in cn
Given two sequences of items, find the items whose absolute number increases or decreases the most when comparing one sequence with the other by reading the sequence only once.
Given That One of the strings is very very long , and the other one could be of various sizes. Windowing will result in O(N+M) solution but could it be better? May be NlogM or even better?
How many lines can be drawn in a 2D plane such that they are equidistant from 3 non-collinear points ?
Lets say you have to construct Google maps from scratch and guide a person standing on Gateway of India (Mumbai) to India Gate(Delhi).How do you do the same ?
Given that you have one string of length N and M small strings of length L . How do you efficiently find the occurrence of each small string in the larger one ?
Given a Binary Tree, Programmatically you need to Prove it is a Binary Search TreeHint: Some kind of pointer handling with In Order Traversal - anybody in forwriting some code
You are given a small sorted list of numbers, and a very very long sorted list of numbers - so long that it had to be put on a disk in different blocks. How would you find those short list numbers in the bigger one?
Suppose you have given N companies, and we want to eventually merge them into one big company. How many ways are theres to merge?
Given a file of 4 billion 32-bit integers, how to find one that appears at least twice?
Write a program for displaying the ten most frequent words in a file such that your program should be efficient in all complexity measures.
Design a stack. We want to push, pop, and also, retrieve the minimum element in constant time.
Given a set of coin denominators, find the minimum number of coins to give a certain amount of change.
Given an array,i) find the longest continuous increasing subsequence.ii) find the longest increasing subsequence.
Suppose we have N companies, and we want to eventually merge them into one big company. How many ways are there to merge?
Write a function to find the middle node of a single link list.
Given two binary trees, write a compare function to check if they are equal or not. Being equal means that they have the same value and same structure.
Implement put/get methods of a fixed size cache with LRU replacement algorithm.
You are given with three sorted arrays ( in ascending order), you are required to find a triplet ( one element from each array) such that distance is minimum.Distance is defined like this :If a[i], b[j] and c[k] are three elements thendistance=max(abs(a[i]-b[j]),abs(a[i]-c[k]),abs(b[j]-c[k]))"Please give a solution in O(n) time complexity
Classic - Egg ProblemYou are given 2 eggs.You have access to a 100-storey building.Eggs can be very hard or very fragile means it may break if dropped from the first floor or may not even break if dropped from 100 th floor.Both eggs are identical.You need to figure out the highest floor of a 100-storey building an egg can be dropped without breaking.Now the question is how many drops you need to make. You are allowed to break 2 eggs in the process.

Career In Computer Networking

The need for seamlessly moving information across the globe for many to use and share through computers and Internet has given birth to computer networking.
Networking is changing the world of consumer electronics, biomedicine, industrial automation, super computing and defence. With the advent of Ethernet-enabled sensors and controllers, companies are increasingly looking at hooking their factory floor to their executive offices and beyond. Enterprise management is another widespread application made possible by networking.
The WorkComputer network management is a purely technical function. In a world where connectivity is the key, expertise in networking can take you places. There are several career avenues within networking, some of which are the following:Instead of working in a bank, credit card company or telecom company where you get to interact face-to-face with the custom
Network AdministrationWorking from the concept upwards, network administration involves configuring and managing LANs (Local Area Networks), WANs (Wide Area Networks) and VPNs (Virtual Private Networks). You will be responsible for analysing, installing and configuring the company’s network even from a remote location. Monitoring network performance, troubleshooting problems and maintaining network security has to be done on a daily basis. With the proliferation of B2C (business to customer) websites, e-commerce, e-governance, VPN (Virtual Private Networks) and other Internet and telecom-based applications like remote servicing and IVR (Interactive Voice Response) the demand for network administrators is expected to peak in the next couple of years.Familiarity with the intricacies of the specific systems being used by a company: Windows NT, Novell, Unix, Linux and so forth, thorough knowledge of networked applications, security and virus-protection schemes, system diagnostic utilities and experience with routers, hubs and bridges is also necessary.Network TechniciansFocus more on the set up, troubleshooting and repair of specific hardware and software products.Service TechniciansVisit customer sites to perform “field” upgrades and support functions.Network Programmers and AnalystsWrite software programmes or scripts that help evaluate third party products and integrate new software technologies into an existing or new network environment.Network ManagersSupervise the work of administrators, engineers, technicians and programmers. They also work at long-range planning and strategy. At the entry level you will be focussing on tasks such as troubleshooting, monitoring, LAN performance, adding or deleting users, adding new servers, etc.Network SecurityAs more and more organisations move their offline transactions online and vast quantities of vital and sensitive data travels through networks, the need for developing “fool proof” e-security systems to safeguard the networks and databases from rampant cracking has emerged as the number one IT concern globally. And consequently, it is one of the hottest and most sought-after specialities.With over 300 new viruses released everyday and rampant hacking (82,000 recorded cases, according to a Carnegie Mellon University study, governments and corporations have beefed-up their IS spend and tightened access to their systems and core applications. They are looking for people who can administer their enterprise network security safely and securely as a strategic priority.To excel in this field, you must be as familiar with system programming and administration as with security configuration and firewalls. This also includes knowledge of advanced TCP/IP, security fundamentals, security implementation, router security and attack routes.
Employment OpportunitiesThe Indian market for computers and peripherals has been growing at a rapid pace. In fact, the networking market is one of the fastest growing segments in the industry. Over three million units were sold in FY 2003-04 and the figure is expected to grow by 40 per cent crossing the 4.2 million mark in 2004-05. Driving this boom are technological innovations and a drop in prices, thanks to the IT agreement under the WTO, which will soon come into effect (translating into a PC penetration of 20 per 1000). Going by the average requirement of one hardware engineer for every 50 machines, the demand for networking professionals is bound to increase.Moreover, Internet usage is increasing by the day and correspondingly the need for larger bandwidth for simultaneous transfer of data, voice and visuals (still and streaming video). The spurt in demand, has in turn, spurred the need for next generation data services like broadband access, virtual private networking, Voice over Internet Protocol (VOIP) and hi-tech Video Conferencing. With the tremendous growth in telecommunications and networking, people with good knowledge of computer network management on various platforms are in high demand. No doubt then, that there’s a considerable demand gap in the availability of networking professionals globally. Whereas over 1,00,000 networking technicians and engineers are required, there are barely 50,000 of them presently.What it takes?Knowledge of computer hardware is the foundation for a career in computer networking. A good course will familiarise you with the basics of operating systems, microprocessors, peripheral devices, computer architecture, assembly and disassembly, installing various software, configuring PCs, preventive maintenance and troubleshooting.This can be followed by a relevant course/s or certification in networking to gain expertise in LAN and WAN, which is in high demand.LAN shares the information and resources within the premises through the intranet with the help of products like Windows NT or Windows 2003 from Microsoft, Unix from SCO, Solaris from Sun Microsystems, Netware from Novell, etc. It can be further connected to the Internet through internetworking devices such as Routers and Switches.WAN is a combination of Internet and Intranet — a network of networks, as it were.Vendor certifications like Microsoft’s MCSE or Cisco’s CCNA or CCNP or CCIE, or Novel’s CNE or Sun Microsystems’ Sun Solaris Administrator at the higher end, are increasingly sought by recruiters. What you’ll make?Entry level salaries can be as high as Rs.20,000–25,000 for those with relevant vendor certifications like CCNA, etc. Diploma holders could expect to earn Rs.7,000–10,000. At the higher end a CTO (Chief Technology Officer) would get Rs 40,000. Those with good knowledge of ISPs, TCP/IP and the three-odd protocols, lease lines, particularly Microsoft Exchange Server 2003, command anything between Rs.75,000 upto 1.5 lakh+ (plus hefty perks).Where to study?The basic qualification for getting into networking is preferably a Degree / Diploma in Computer Sc / Electrical / Electronics / Telecommunication followed by a course in computer hardware.People with non-engineering background who possess good knowledge of computer fundamentals can also enter this field.In addition, recruiters prefer certain global certifications.Some of the popular International Certifications available for LAN/WAN Administration are MCSE, UNIX Admin, LINUX Admin, CNE, etc., whereas for WAN Administration you need CCNA, CCNP, CCDA, CCDP, CCIE.Internet Security is an emerging technology in networking, which can be implemented by using Firewalls. A large part of the firewall implementation worldwide is done by Checkpoint/Computer Associates.However, the most preferred certification is VUE Prometric as it covers most certifications — irrespective of the vendor platform.Coaching facilities for clearing the various online tests for certification are offered at a number of Authorised Training Centres (ATCs) of the company. You can clear the (somewhat tough) test within 6 months of gaining some practical hands-on experience at any hardware establishment specialising in system integration. For list of ATCs log onto
.For details of other certifications, log onto: